Friday, September 16, 2016

Apps for the Classroom

Using iPads in the classroom has been on my mind a lot this school year (2016-2017). I find myself always actively searching for new ways to incorporate technology in my class. With the constant changes in education, I know the use of technology will be a big one in the upcoming years. At a recent staff meeting, I was told Orange County Public Schools will all be digital by 2019. That makes me very excited! My short term goal is to get all of my students using iPads at least once a week within the next two months. 

I researched quite a bit and came across an app called Plickers. It is a formative assessment data tool that is extremely user friendly. The steps to get started are easy:
1. Add students in your class to your group 
2. Each child is given a special QR code that you can print off
3. Have students hold their QR codes in a specific way to show whether they choose A, B, C, or D as an answer. 
4. Ask a question through the Plickers app 
5. Scan the students' codes and the app will graph the results right away. (The best thing about this is that you can stand at the front of the class and scan your entire classroom in one go; It is amazing!) 

Another, quite popular, app is Class Dojo. Although I have never used it, I have heard great things about it being used as a classroom management tool. It enables the teacher to give students positive or negative points, based on a child's classroom behavior. After researching Dojo, I found that parents can have instant access to when you give students points or negatives. Parents are able to set up alerts that will be sent straight to their phones. I am currently questioning whether I should introduce it to my class now (although we are 4 weeks into the school year) or wait until next school year. Comment below and let me know what you think I should do. 

An app that I have been actively using for the past year now, is called Remind. It is used to communicate with parents via text messaging. The most enticing aspect of it, is that all phone numbers are secure. You are able to send out class announcements, text parents individually, and even create group chats. Teachers are also able to set virtual "office hours", that work with their schedule. 
I have found it to be extremely useful and practical in the classroom setting. Parents can reach me quickly when they need to communicate important information. Last school year was the first time I used it and I got a lot of positive feedback from parents. They loved that I was using technology and how easy it was to reach me. 

I hope to get more technologically savvy as time goes on and get my students to show their critical thinking skills via different forms of technology. 

"iPad" by Sean MacEntee on Flickr
Received from Creative Commons


  1. Hello Annie,

    Your post really stuck with me this week because it goes along with some research that I am doing for my blog! I am looking into different technologies (mostly apps) that I can integrate into my classroom. From the ones you listed I only use one, and I plan to use one other.
    In my classroom Class Dojo is the staple! It is such an easy way to show student behaviors, communicate with parents and I LOVE the new student portfolio portion. My first year teaching I began in January and the teacher before me didn't use it. I introduced it right away because I had seen how it could work wonders. The parents were very into it because they were able to see a better snap shot of how their students were doing in school. I will be doing more research about the student portfolios because I would love my students to be able to create their own portfolios.
    I also love your explanation of Plickers! Many teachers in my school use it but have never given me such a great explanation. Honestly, I thought it was much harder than that. I will think of some accommodations so that my young ones can use it without getting confused but I an very excited to try this technology with my class. I think I can make the QR Code a little bigger and outline each side with a different color so that the choices go along with the colors. We will see how it works out.

    Thanks for your input,
    Ashley Theodoredis

    1. Ashley,
      I am glad to hear you have had a positive experience using Class Dojo, I think I will go ahead and give it a try as well. Your idea for differentiation for a younger group of kids sounds great! I appreciate your comment. Thanks!

  2. Annie,

    It is interesting that you say, "Using iPads in the classroom has been on my mind a lot this school year (2016-2017)" becuase my sister teaches mathematics in high school and her school actually got funded to give the kids each their own iPad to use in class for notes, to reach their textbook and they can even bring it home for homework. How amazing this is for the students and a great opportunity for the teachers as well!!!

    Annie, I think that those apps you mentioned, Plickers and Class Dojo are great apps to implement in the classroom. I feel as though implementing such apps into the classroom will have a great effect on the students overall success in the classroom as they will become more engaged and interested in the lesson.

    I really enjoyed reading your post and reflecting. It is amazing to see how technology will transform the classrooms in the upcoming years!!! I cannot wait to see what the classrooms will be like in 10 years for my future kids.

    Great job Annie!!!


  3. Lindsey,
    That sounds so cool! I wish each one of my students could use an iPad all day. Luckily, my school does have an iPad cart that we can checkout and use. That is something I plan on using very soon. I agree, I believe Pickers will be a hit amongst my kids. I can't wait to use it. Thanks for the comment!
    -Annie :)
