Friday, September 2, 2016

Technology in the Classroom

Technology is being sought after more and more as the years pass by. How can we integrate technology into our classrooms on a regular basis? Do we have the resources to use it effectively? The world is ever-changing as is the field of education. We are living in such a pivotal time where teachers and students alike have to adjust to new methods of classroom instruction. I am biased when saying it is more stressful from the teacher perspective versus the students, because I am a teacher. It is unbelievable to think within the next four years, education will be transformed completely.

After watching the Did You Know video, I came to the realization that everything is changing around us; Whether we want to embrace it or not. I was fascinated at the thought of, "We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist". We are teaching students to think in creative and innovative ways so that they are able to attain a skillset for a job that still needs to be invented. When you think of that, it puts the pressure on, but it also gets me excited. Excited to try new teaching methods and get students to think in ways they never have.

Jahana Hayes (2016 Teacher of the Year) brought up some valid points in the article on EdSurge. She said, "We don't have the resources to keep up with technology". This is something I believe all educators can relate to. Funding is limited for schools, which in turn limits our access to resources for our children. Jahana came up with the notion to partner with companies/universities who do have the resources to keep up with technology. This partnership, I believe, can create so many other opportunities for students. It could lead the path for children to become interested in STEM activities in turn leading to working in that field. The possibilities are endless and I believe Jahana has many rational suggestions that can be the start to something bigger.

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