Friday, October 28, 2016

Digital Storytelling Assignment

Here is an outline of a digital storytelling project I would have my 3rd grade class complete. The students' task would be to take a poem they wrote and bring it to life, through digital storytelling. A fun idea would be to do this around Mother's Day and have students present their digital story to their moms. In years past, I always have my students create a poetry book that they present during our "Mother's Day Tea" event. This new and innovative twist on our poetry books would have students very excited, I am sure! Poetry is something we teach in 3rd grade, so it aligns with our curriculum.

Assignment: Bring your poem to life! You will need to create a digital story based on the poem you wrote about your mother. 

Elements of digital storytelling: 

1. video should be short and sweet
2. keeps the viewers attention
3. tone of voice is appropriate

List of platforms students could use: 

4. Bubblr
5. ZooBurst 

Resources: Click on any of the links below to view examples of digital storytelling. 

1. (how to make a digital story) 
2. (example)
3. (example) 


  1. Annie,

    I really love your concept of bringing your poem to life!! How fun for kids. And I also love how you planned it to be around Mother's day for the kids to do for their Mom!! That is so sweet and really thought out well.

    Your resources are also perfect for your 3rd grade students. Not to babyish yet challenging for them!! I really enjoyed reading your assignment and reflecting.

    Great Job Annie.


  2. Lindsay,
    Thank you for the kind words! I am hoping the students in my class will enjoy this assignment as much as I loved creating it!
